At St. Gabriel’s CofE Primary School, our computing curriculum is designed around the four key areas of computing, as outlined in the National Curriculum. These are computer science, information technology, digital literacy and online safety. By the time our children leave St. Gabriel’s, the combination of these areas will have equipped our children with the ability to safely and confidently use a computer and provide them with the knowledge to succeed to the best of their ability in the rapidly changing digital world.
Our computing curriculum is taught using the four key areas of computing: computer science, information technology, digital literacy and online safety. At St Gabriel’s we use the Purple Mash computing scheme of work and 2Simple to deliver our computing curriculum. We are lucky to have an up to date computing suite where all classes from EYFS to Year 6 have their weekly lessons in computing. We embed computing throughout the curriculum and pupils use different apps and websites to demonstrate and further their learning in other subjects for example, the use of Digimaps to explore locational knowledge on a deeper level in Geography. At St Gabriel’s we have a strong focus on safeguarding our pupils and Online Safety. We begin each term with an extra session on Online Safety and SMART rules are followed to ensure that pupils leave our school with the knowledge and resources to keep themselves safe online.
By the end of Key Stage 2 our pupils will be safe and confident users of technology and able to use it to accomplish a wide variety of goals both at school and at home. As a result of high quality teaching, our pupils can reflect on the impact the Computing Curriculum has on their learning, development and well-being. In addition to this, all pupils make good progress due to high levels of engagement and enjoyment. The impact of our curriculum is best demonstrated through the way our pupils showcase, share, publish and celebrate their work.