SEN Our School Offer/ SEN Information Report
Children can experience difficulty in a number of areas and this can their success at school.
The SEN Code of Practice (September 2014) identifies the following difficulties:
Communicating and Interacting – such as speech, language and communication difficulties.
Cognition and learning – some children need more time to make sense of what they’ve heard, to decide on what they think, and what they want to say about what they’ve learned. Many children have difficulties with organisation and memory but for some this presents a challenge to learning. Also, some children might have difficulty with a specific area of learning such as literacy or numeracy.
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties – sometimes children have a difficulty in managing their relationships, their emotions or their behaviour and this can impact their learning.
Sensory and or physical needs – some children might have a visual or hearing impairment or a physical need that means they require additional support or equipment at school.
If you are concerned about your child’s learning or behaviour at school, please speak with their class teacher or the SENco (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) Sonia Bell Alternatively you can contact the Headteacher.
Please go to to see Westminster’s local offer