Intent At St Gabriel’s we aim to teach our children how to be safe and healthy, and how to best manage their academic, personal and social lives. We aim for our children to grow in independence and confidence and develop the ability to make informed choices. We aim to help our children develop into responsible, compassionate and respectful members of our community.
PSHE lessons are carefully planned around learning opportunities across three core themes:
These learning opportunities have been mapped into year groups to suit the needs of the children, to build on previous learning and allow for progression, reinforcement and continuity. PSHE lessons in KS1 and KS2 offer learning opportunities and experiences which reflect our children’s increasing independence and physical and social awareness. Lessons build on the skills that children started to acquire during the EYFS to develop effective relationships, assume greater personal responsibility and manage personal safety, including online. Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) is an essential part of PSHE and is taught sensitively and age and developmentally appropriately in all year groups. PSHE is also central to every activity in our school. Through our school ethos and the relationships we promote with children and colleagues, we foster pupils’ self-esteem, moral and social skills and care for their mental and physical health. PSHE features in playtimes, outings and whole school activities such as Christmas events, prize-giving and Sports Day. It is promoted through our school and classroom rules. PSHE is also an essential part of our assemblies, mass and collective worship. Our School Council has two elected representatives from each class and meets regularly to discuss school issues and take steps towards improving our school. We hold the Healthy Schools London and Healthy Early Years London awards, recognising and celebrating our achievements in child health, wellbeing and development and the real difference this makes for our pupils. |
Impact Through both explicit and implicit learning opportunities and experiences throughout the EYFS, KS1 and KS2, children at St Gabriel’s acquire the skills to develop effective relationships, assume greater personal responsibility and manage personal safety, including online. By the end of KS2, children are able to manage the physical and emotional changes at puberty, they have been introduced to a wider world and enabled to make an active contribution to their communities.
Long Term Plan - PSHE and RSE
RSE in Primary School - Guide for Parents/Carers
Links to Learning at home
Healthy Lifestyles:
Change for Life
Go Noodle
Joe Wicks 5 Minute Workouts
Get Kids Cooking!
KS1 Citizenship - BBC Bitesize
KS1 PSHE - BBC Bitesize
KS2 Citizenship - BBC Bitesize
Sex, Health and Relationships:
RSE Government Publications
Sex Education Forum