Religious Education
Subject: Religious Education
Intent It is our goal to provide all children with an excellent knowledge of Christianity and all other major world religions so that they become religiously literate and may develop their own understanding of spirituality, a spirituality that will allow them to grow as individuals and equip them to define their own faith or belief system. We strive to promote a common respect and tolerance for the freedom of religious views that are shared in our society, through the study and implementation of our core values that are central to any belief system.
We use the London Diocesan Board for Schools RE syllabus. Following this syllabus enables us to ensure that we provide opportunities within RE learning, for children to engage in a systematic enquiry based approach developing children’s ability to:
- - be critical thinkers
- - ask deep and meaningful questions
- - make connections within and across religions and world views.
- - reflect, respond and express their own opinions and beliefs.
- - make their own choices and decisions concerning religion and belief based on a deep knowledge and understanding of religions and worldviews belief systems, values and practices.
Units we teach are rooted in theological concepts, strong subject knowledge and content and offer challenge and an in-depth exploration of religion/belief and practices, are also motivating, engaging and creative lessons for all children. Teaching also provides opportunities for children to develop empathy towards people of similar or differing religious or world views to their own.
Children take part in inspiring lessons involving visits off site, visiting speakers, lessons that are creative and rich in opportunities to discuss their learning and views.
Children record their learning creatively, through art, DT, or drama opportunities, in their own individual RE books, and also in the whole class ‘RE Big Book.’ The RE Big Books, record written and spoken contributions from children during class discussions on the ‘big question’ for the week.
By the end of KS2 children at St Gabriel’s will have developed their understanding and knowledge of world faiths and will have gained an insight into the importance of faith and worship to believers in all of these world religions through their interactions and experiences in Religious Education. As a school we strive to develop individuals by aiding them in strengthening and defining their own belief systems and spirituality and affording them the opportunity to grow in confidence and to be able to express their own opinions and views in a manner which is both tolerant and respectful. The core values that the students’ at St Gabriel’s will have had nurtured throughout their time here will enable them to continue to grow and participate fully as members of the wider community and to fully embrace the multi-cultural society in which we live.
Children's work
Progression Map - Religious Education
Long Term Plan - RE
Websites to support RE
Website – Face book page
Museums and galleries:
Journey into Easter with Children. Lots of arts and crafts to do around the Easter Story