Meet the Teacher
We firmly believe in a strong partnership between home and school. Parents are welcomed into our playground at the beginning and end of the day. If you want to arrange to meet with your child's teacher please do phone the office, or alternatively teachers are available at the beginning and end of each day, if you would like to arrange a time to meet with them personally.
The Headteacher and Assistant Heads are also available in the playground each day.
Meet the Teacher: In the first two weeks of every new school year, we hold a meet the teacher session. Parents are invited to the child's classroom to meet with their new class teacher and to find out what their child will be learning about across the school year.
Parents Evening: There are 3 formal opportunities to meet with your child's class teacher throughout the year. These meetings are scheduled in the first half term, third half term, in the final half term and are held over 2 afternoons after school. A creche is available for children to attend during their parents meeting.
Other Parent Meetings: We schedule parent information sessions throughout the year including topics such as reading, KS1 and KS2 SATs, School journey, Relationship and sex Education and E-Safety.
Family Assembly: Parents are invited to this every Thursday. It is a lovely opportunity for our whole school community to come together and to share in and celebrate good work and achievements from across the school.