Through the platform of exploring, questioning and critical thinking, it is our aim that St Gabriel’s children gain an understanding of the world in which we live and how it has evolved. We want to ensure that through Geography, our children will not simply recall places, terminology and concepts, but will be able to harness their natural curiosity to ask questions and discover answers about the learning that they encounter. Geography is, by nature, an investigative subject, which develops an understanding of concepts, knowledge and skills. We seek to inspire in children a fascination of the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives; to promote the children’s interest and understanding of diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. Our curriculum is designed so that the children are immersed within their learning and can therefore make meaningful connections that consolidates their understanding. |
Our children participate and learn through practical activities both inside and outside of the school that develop their understanding of the three core geographical areas:
● Geographical Skills & Fieldwork – In Key Stage 1 the children are taught to use basic locational language and draw simple maps using the local area as their inspiration. The children explore the school environment and go on walks around the local community to further develop these skills. By the end of Year 6, the children are able to produce accurate scaled maps and use these to compare areas of the world. At St Gabriel’s we have access to technology and applications such as DigiMaps that enable the older children to access the geography of countries from around the world in an exciting and inspiring way.
● Locational & Place Knowledge – Children locate continents and countries in the UK in Key Stage 1 and this progresses to being able to identify and explain different physical and human characteristics around the world by the end of Key Stage 2.
● Human & Physical Knowledge – During Key Stage 1, the children learn to identify simple geographical features and use geographical vocabulary to describe these features. They build on this as they move through the school and will be able to give detailed geographical descriptions and consider the impact of human life on the world around them. Children have the opportunity to present their findings using appropriate geographical terms in Upper Key Stage 2
The knowledge and skills of the Geography curriculum are carefully mapped out across the primary age range and delivered through discreet units, which are sequentially planned, build on knowledge taught and skills that have been developed year on year. Learning is enriched by providing a range of distinctly geography activities that promote a love of learning and enable the children to become young geographers.
By the end of Key Stage 2, the children at St Gabriel’s Primary School are confident geographers who are able to think critically, pose questions and consider the impact that they as individuals can have on the world in which they live. Our high quality, well-planned Geography Curriculum ensures that children are competent in the geographical skills needed to collect, analyse and communicate data, and to interpret a range of geographical sources, including maps, globes and aerial photographs. Children are able to communicate information in a variety of ways including maps, numerical and quantitative skills and a range of literacy skills. Through the breadth and depth that our Geography curriculum offers, our children are provided with a broad knowledge of the world they live in, and understand, as responsible citizens, how they need to care and preserve the planet for future generations.

Geography Long Term Plan and Progression Map 2023-24
Links to Learning at home
Oak Academy KS1:
Oak Academy KS:
National Geographic Kids:
Geography Games: