Ofsted and Performance Data
Our Results
St Gabriel’s pupils achieve well above the national average. Our high academic and behavioural expectations have enabled our children to make excellent progress; by the time they reach KS2, our pupils attain well above national expectations.
Ofsted Report 15th and 16th November 2023
We are delighted to say that following our most recent inspection, St Gabriel's continues to be a good school. Please follow the link to view a copy of the November 2023 report.
A handful of the comments below capture what it is like to attend our school:
‘Pupils are happy at school as they feel like they belong to a big family’.
‘Pupil’s behaviour meets the school’s high expectations.’
‘Their attitudes to learning are exemplary.’
‘Pupils are kind and respectful towards adults, and towards each other.’
'They collaborate well with one another’.
‘Pupils achieve highly, particularly in subjects such as writing and mathematics’
‘The school curriculum is well designed and well managed’.
‘Staff have strong knowledge of the subjects they teach.’
‘Pupils are motivated to participate in lessons’.
Please do read the report for more information.
The Ofsted website also contains historical Ofsted reports.
SIAMS Report October 2017
As a church school, we are also have a SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection every three – five years. The schools last inspection was in September 2017 where the inspector judged as to be a Good church school.
Attainment and Progress Data

Our Performance Tables
Key details about our school are published by the Department for Education in the form of school performance tables.
Information includes:
- the number of children on role at our school
- the number of children with a statement of special educational need
- the number of pupils for whom English is an additional language
- Key Stage 2 tests and teacher assessment results
The full St. Gabriel’s CofE Primary School performance tables can be found on the Department of Education website by clicking below.