Welcome from our Headteacher
Our School
We are a one form entry school blessed with fantastic indoor and outdoor space for your child to enjoy.
At St Gabriel’s we pride ourselves on our diversity and our inclusivity. We welcome children from all faiths and non, and from all cultures and backgrounds. Your child's wellbeing, happiness and ensuring they can achieve their best, is our priority.
Housed in a beautiful Victorian building, we have an expansive Great Hall, a separate dining room, I.C.T. suite, library, meeting room, music room and a range of group rooms to provide spaces for children to work intensively with adults.
Welcome from our Headteacher
It is a pleasure to be Head of such an exceptional School. Christian and British Values are integral to our school and diversity is celebrated. Rooted in our Christian ethos, we provide a nurturing environment, ensuring our children grow academically, emotionally, morally and spiritually. At St Gabriel’s we aim to ensure that all children are provided with the foundations for their future enabling them to have choices, be their best and achieve whatever they set out to do. St Gabriel’s pupils transition to a range of local secondary schools, including (but not limited to) Pimlico Secondary School, Grey Coat Hospital, Westminster City School for Boys, Oasis Academy, St Thomas More, Lilian Baylis and Fulham Cross Girls School and the Jamiatui Ummah Secondary School. Some children have also moved on to independent schools.
St Gabriel’s pupils achieve well above the national average. Our high academic and behavioural expectations have enabled our children to make excellent progress; by the time they reach KS2, our pupils attain well above national expectations.
With a strong partnership between home and school, we ensure that all children are supported to be and to achieve their very best. Children join St Gabriel’s with a variety of preschool experiences and we make sure that with rapid assessment on entry (in Reception or higher up the school with in year admission), children’s strengths and needs are quickly identified. This enables staff to pitch, support and challenge our pupils appropriately. The inclusion of a ‘Big Question’ in the majority of subjects, discussion, investigation, a focus on reading, vocabulary and Greater Depth activities supports children in achieving excellent outcomes and enables them to flourish.
Our Special Educational Needs team, led by our SENCo, ensures children with SEN are supported and nurtured to achieve the best outcomes. We maximise our resources. For example, through our use of break out rooms (one of which we have recently converted into a sensory room), ongoing training for staff and our partnership with outside professionals. We work closely with outside agencies including for example speech and language therapists, occupational therapist and family therapist, ensuring that we maximise support for those with any additional needs.
Unlike many other central London primary schools we are blessed with a fantastic indoor and outdoor space for our children to enjoy. Our school has a Key Stage 1 playground and a Key Stage 2 playground, a fountain, a quiet area, story-telling area, a beautiful garden and an area we are currently developing into an orchard. Our Reception children benefit from their own outdoor area attached to the classroom.
If you would like to receive more information, wish to help or support the school, or would like to visit the school please contact us.
Rebecca Anson